Three Tips to Using Social Media for Business

Photo of Phone with social media applications 

I recently read the article 5 Tips to Successful Social Media Marketing and I believe it can be simplified even further to three tips for social media for businesses. They are as follows:


1.     Create a strategy

2.     Be Consistent

3.     Foster engagement


The first thing is to create a strategy. This is huge! It is important to understand that each platform needs its own strategy and that each platform works best at targeting different audiences. Start with one platform at a time and consider why you are using that specific platform, who your target audience is for your content, what brand image are you trying to push and how your content on the platform is presented to your target audience.


Be Consistent! Consistency is important to so many things in life and definitely is important to a business and its social media use. Consistency in social media refers to two things, the frequency of posts and the consistent representation of aspects of your business. It is important to have a consistent schedule of posting on social media. This ensures that regular content is posted for your audience to remain interested. Consistency in your brand representation is even more important. Whenever you post something on social media, you want to make sure that what is being posted is in line with what your brand represents and stands for. It is important to never have conflicting messages being presented by your brand. Presenting conflicting messages puts your brand in a negative light and can affect your target audience and how they feel about your business.


Create content that makes your viewers want to engage with you. Whether that be through likes or comments. Fostering engagement allows your brand and business to build a community and become more personable to your audience. Encourage your audience to engage with your content, but also respond to their engagement. Reply to or like comments. This shows that your brand actually cares about the audience’s feedback and opinions on the content.


These three tips are a great start to social media for your business. Leave a comment down below with your thoughts. What other tips would you consider to be useful for using social media as a business?
