What can LinkedIn Do for You Professionally?

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Many people around the world use Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Each of these web pages have their own outlook as a social media platform. Facebook has a general social media presence, Instagram has more of an influencer outlook and Twitter often is viewed as having a more political outlook. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is different from all of these social media platforms.


What is Linked In?

LinkedIn is where you can present your professional self to the world.

LinkedIn is a business-orienting social media website that allows you to network as a professional. Similarly, to Facebook, you can create a profile, company page and network with others on the platform.


What is LinkedIn used for?

LinkedIn is used to build your brand. Yes. YOUR brand. Who are you as an individual? What does your professional experience say about you? LinkedIn acts like a digital resume. You update your experiences as you would your resume and showcase yourself to potential employers. Furthermore, you can use LinkedIn as a research tool. Does the company you are applying to work at have a LinkedIn company page? If so, then take a look into what the company stands for and who is on its team. There is so much that LinkedIn can be used for!


What are the benefits of having a LinkedIn profile?

Other than selling your personal brand, what are the benefits of having a LinkedIn profile? There are a lot. You can take online professional development courses and get certificates to add to your portfolio after completing them. Network with people in the same field or people with similar interests. Follow people and companies that you have an interest in and so much more.


For more information on how you can benefit from using LinkedIn take a look at the article 7 Benefits of using LinkedIn. Leave a comment below about how you like to use LinkedIn to build your professional profile.
